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Elisha Abas Live Performance

about the event

Date: 20th July 2011
Schedule: 9pm
Location: Belmonte Cultural Club Cafe
Address: Pateo Dom Fradique, 14 – 1100-624 Lisboa
Contacts: +351 218816600 _ office@palaciobelmonte.com

Artist/Author: Elisha Abas
Curated by: Maria and Frederic Coustols / Belmonte Cultural Club
 DaST, WOA-Way of Arts
Sponsors: CML-Agenda Cultural de Lisboa, Palacio Belmonte Lisboa lda

about the artist

Elisha Abas, Israeli born Concert Pianist, was the lifelong student of Pnina Salzman, (herself a student of Alfred Cortot) and mentee of Artur Rubinstein. La Roma, National Italian Newspaper, commented on a performance in Naples, Italy saying, “he is the most refined and interesting pianists of our generation … his “playing is the perfect marriage of exuberant musicality restrained with the right dose of rationalism that is rich with colors and shades.


His palette shines in all his splendor with a captivating performance of Chopin and Schumann”. He is the great great grandson of legendary Russian Composer, Alexander Scriabin.

Abas was a child prodigy who started performing at the age of six and has since shared the stage with Isaac Stern, Leonard Bernstein and Zubin Mehta. Abas achieved many accolades throughout his career. Those most notable were achieved when he was a young prodigy – winning first place in the America Israel Cultural Foundationmusic competition for eight consecutive years and first place in the Claremont Piano Competition.

He continues to perform throughout the world, most recently in the North America, Europe, Cuba, Russia, Israel, and China. Elisha Abas is also a composer. He rarely performs his original compositions in public; however, in 2009, Elisha performed his original music in St. Petersburg’s Smonlny Cathedral, United Nations Assembly Hall, and in Teatro Amadeo Roldán in Havana, Cuba.

In December 2009, Elisha Abas performed and recorded live the Brahms First Piano Concerto in Havana, Cuba with The National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba conducted by Yoel Gamzou. In 2010, he recorded and released a live recording of the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23 K488 with The International Mahler Orchestra live in Berlin. He is the Co-Founder of The Concert Meister Series in New York City.
