A Fundação DaST está atualmente em processo de reconhecimento formal.

Sara Yan for the Jiu Xian Garden Village project in China

"Interior happenings, Self found in substance and without it, presides strength."

Sara Yan

Arrival stay.
Feel see
hear to be

Dark night
Could see nothing, ground soil scent tree shadows.
Going interior land

strange language.
we and they

Light day. See all landscape. Self.
Cry, way made person to person , arrives until me.
At the table.
Interior happenings, Self found in substance and without it, presides strength.
Effort believed attempt beyond the substance, transform in substance following the our self way.
Have before, safety before. Base to jump. Before to be. Live.

Don’t know who I’m
Don’t know where I’m
Don’t know what things means
I only can see Feel, scent.
Listen what I hear.
The place is strong
I’m going to work
Find to be something.
Merge with world feel its strengths,
And found the parts in sense
that echoes the interiority alive in me.
Realize it.

Stay time between things, alive.
Form an idea felted
Inside me

In relation
Inside with Nature – Life – Universe

about Sara Yan

Sara Chang Yan, born in 1982, mostly reveals her artistic expressions through drawing.
Currently, shes’s an assistant of the artist Rui Moreira. Her artistic path was balanced by her studies in architecture, at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universdade Técnica de Lisboa, and by a drawing course at Ar.Co, of which she gave sequence by frequenting an advanced degree. Her work reveals a three dimensional organic tendency, through which we dive into a universe of symbols that we’re still discovering.
