A Fundação DaST está atualmente em processo de reconhecimento formal.

Leila Photo Competition

about the competition

Date: November 1st 2011 – December 31st 2015
Location: Front patio of Palácio Belmonte
Address: Pateo Dom Fradique, 14 – 1100-624 Lisboa
Contacts: +351 218816600 _ office@palaciobelmonte.com

Artist/Author: Maria Pia de Oliveira
 DaST, WOA-Way of Arts
Sponsors: Palacio Belmonte Lisboa Lda

about the artist

Born and currently living in Lisbon, Portugal, Maria Pia studied Plastic Arts at Ar.Co, in Lisbon, and at the School of Visual Arts, in New York, USA.
Maria has developed a series of exhibitions since the 90’s, among which we underline Viagens (at Galeria Diferença, in Lisbon, 1999), How I Became a Cloud (at Galeria Pedro Oliveira, in Oporto, 2001), On White Air (at Museu da Cidade, in Lisbon, 2003), Bum… (at Galeria Pedro Oliveira, Oporto, 2005), (E)merge (at Museu da Água, Coimbra, 2007), Clothilde + Celeste (at Casa da Cerca, 2009) and Gravidade (at Ermida de Belém, 2010).
At the moment Maria is represented through a series of public collections, in Portugal and abroad.

the competition

After hosting the “Maria Pia de Oliveira Exhibition” in September/October 2011, The Belmonte Cultural Club launched the “Leila Photographic Competition”, inviting all those who pass through the Belmonte’s front patio to take a creative picture of the “Leila” iron cloud sculpture.

To participate, all you have to do is take a picture at or with the sculpture and either post it directly on Palácio Belmonte’s Facebook and/or Instagramaccounts, or just tag us after adding them to your personal account. Palácio Belmonte will be sure to see it and feature it as well as to communicate the winner at the beginning of each year.

competition winners

2015 _ Johnathan Gustafson [from Chicago]
2014 _ Monica Changer Grossi [from Rome/Cagliari]
2013 _ Marcelo Vaz [from Rio de Janeiro]
2012 _ Takashi Utamaro [from Osaka]
2011 _ Alice Jovovich [from London]
