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become part of the community

Frederic and Maria seek to bring together individuals and organizations committed to building a sustainable tomorrow for Torrão and beyond. By joining us, you become part of a global network of changemakers, working together to drive positive transformation in our communities and our world.

Whether it’s through lending a helping hand, or sharing your expertise, everyone can contribute. Play a role in shaping a sustainable tomorrow.

Together, we can amplify the impact of individual actions and harness the power of community involvement to drive meaningful change.

Join the DaSTers community today and become part of the journey towards a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

  • The DaSTers community is consisted of individuals of different age groups and professional and cultural backgrounds, who shared our vision of a sustainable tomorrow.
  • We open our projects to all those who are interested and try to facilitate all forms of engagement. Through our projects people get to know each other, exchange ideas and build rapport.


Joining the DaSTers community means aligning with our vision of designing a sustainable tomorrow for endangered cultural landscapes like Torrão. 

Through collective efforts, we can pave the way for a brighter, more resilient future.

Send us a message to explore collaboration oportunities on how to join us in designing a sustainable tomorrow!

partners & collaborators

“To cherish the memory and aspirations of the population, to nurture the rural and urban landscape, to preserve traditional knowledge, to ensure harmonious and sustainable restoration, and to promote all forms of art and active tourism for the common good”

and a special thanks to

/ A / Abdul Waheed, Adelia Ries, Adi Shamir Baron, Adib Cúre (Studio Architecture Miami), Agata Wiorko, Alex van Gelder, Alexandra Harnden, Aline Spagnoli, Andrea Kindt, Andrei Markov, Ann Li Liao, Annabel Brooks, Anne Marie Ganet, Anneli Faiers, António Castelo Branco, António P. Machado, António Salvador da Costa, Apple Wan Chen, Ariel Huber, Asunção Christa / B / Barbara Pyle, Bernard Bonnamour, Bernard Dabos, Bernard Festy, Bitkulova Violetta, Bettina Winterfeld, Bill Chen, Bijoy Jain, Bohdan Petrov, Brendan Leeuven, Bruce Mau, Bruno Cot, Bruno Garnero / C / Camilla Cañeque, Camille Watson, Carie A. Penabad, Carlos Cezanne, Caroline Challan Belvar, Catherine Bouat, Cátia Miriam Costa, Chayan Khoi, Che Peping, Chen Yi Wei, Chen Yiping, Christian de Monbrison, Christina Querol Carceller, Christine Banksz, Christine Callet-Fanjaud, Chuck Kent, Claire Delbos, Clare Beresford, Clarissa Bortolon, Coco Liu, Constança Duarte Ferreira, Cynthia de Monbrison / D / David Kaufman, David Yu, Denis Piel, Desiree Dolron, Diane Weston, Dimitri Bogdanos, Diogo Pires, Dixie Wang Guanyu, Dominique Colliot, Donchenko Julia, Duarte (Duda) Leandro, Dzhamilia Chernii / E / Ebehard Wistuba, Elisha Abas, Emma Hemmings, Emmanuel Bourgeois, Eric Goraieb, Eva Lin / F / Faisal Sabeen, Fat, Feng (Sammy) Gao, Feng Jiang, Feng Shu, Fernando Nunes da Silva (Prof.), Filipa Leandro, Filipa Silveira, France David, Francisco Amado, François Vignaux / G / Gabrielle de Saint Venant, Ganna Kovalyova, Gary Chang, Gaston Ye Ziteng, Gao Wei, George H. Muller, George Martin, Geping Bao (Prof.), Gonçalo Leandro, Gorbatenko Ekaterina, Gorelova Anastasiya, Goryainov Anton, Gracie Cavnar, Guillaume de Laubier, Guo Qian (Prof.), Gully Wells, Guy de Casteja, Guy Quesseveur, Gwen Robinson / H / Haitong Zhu, Han Dequan, Hao Hu, He Tian Tian, Helder Metello de Napoles, Herve Le Tellier, Howard Altmann, Huang Hongbo, Hugo Zhang Xun / I / Ian Hamlinton, Igor Miksch, Isabel Caldeira, Isabelle van Passel / J / Jaclyn McNutt, Jacqueline Bissat, James Greyson, Jana Matejkova-Middleton, Jane Knight, Jane Zhao Zheng, Jean Coustols, Jean Landre, Jean Yves Loude, Jeanne Boratav-Barzilai, Jenny Chu, Jeremy Irons, Jerome Dupuis, Jess Yu, Jia Yun, Jiang Gehry, Jing Ning, Joana Saboeira, João Caraça, João Erse, João M. Correia, João Vestia, Jon Steinberg, Jorge Gonçalves, José Carlos, José Reis, Joyce Yang Zhuosi, Judith Brouste, Judy Bill Carson, Jutta Matthess / K / Kateryna Vovk, Katherine Both, Keller Viktor, Kevan Cheng, Kotlyarova Ekaterina, Kozachenko Olga, Kunz Lebensart-ag / L / Laogen Farmers, Lazarev Alexander G., Leandro Erlich, Lee Ziruo, Li (head of Baixa Community), Li Bo, Li Ming Zheng, Li Tang, Li Wendy, Lilit Arutyunyan, Lier, Lin Chunhua, Lin Ying Hao, Lionel Tardif, Lisa Johnson, Liu Daogang, Liu Zouhang Wang, Liudmila Makhmutova, Liuzhuang Wang, Liz Hasell, Lola Redon Coustols, Louise Mc Elvogue, Luc Vincent, Lucanor Alentejo, Lucy Perceval, Luis Araújo, Luís Godinho, Luís Machado, Luís Pimentel, Luis Soveral, Luisa Videira, Lulu Townsend, Luna Paiva, Luo Lijun, Lynn Guan / M / Malik Si-Hassen, Manuel Amaral de Ataide Banazol, Manuel Correia Guedes, Mao’s brothers, Maoeraichiyu, Marc Vaz, Marcel Marette, Margreet Markerink, Maria Clotilde Almeida, Maria de Morais, Maria João Granate, Marie Odile Sejeau, Mariana Duarte, Mariana Paixão, Marina Carvalho, Mário Caeiro, Marja de Vries, Marta Alvim, Marta Leitão, Maryse Vassalo, Melillo Giuseppe, Meshcheryakov Sergey, Michel Batlle, Michel Bouchet, Michel Debord, Mikael Hudson, Mikhaylo Kurtiak, Mindzaeva Madina, Misha de Podestad, Mnatsakanyan Laura, Muhammad Farhan / N / Nadine Hudson, Nadiya Tsap, Naomi Skinner, Natacha Penot, Natalia Naichuk, Nathalie Heidsick de Saint Phalle, Nathaniel Lande, Nelson Cavalheiro, Nenuphar Wu Jiawei, Nicolas Corboz, Nina Fidchenko / O / Odar, Olivier Rolin / P / Pascal Landre, Pascale Darre, Patricia Andrade, Patricia Engelhorn, Patrícia Westheimer, Paula Cadima, Perekhodko Dmitriy, Peter Wise, Petukhova Ekaterina, Phil Hawes, Philipp Kindt, Phillipe Ries, Philippe Gendre / Q / Qian Yang, Qin Jian Ming, Qing Wang, Qiu Lan, Qiu Nian, Quitterie Coustols / R / Ralph Watson, Ranvir Sha, Raquel Carrilho, Reena Bhoyroo, Reiner Weichert, Rene Citroen, Ribeiro Telles (Prof.), Richard Werly, Richard Zimmler, Rita Costa NascimentoRita Neves, Rita Ortiz, Ritu Dalmia, Robert B. Bradfield, Rong Yi, Rory Middleton, Rose Sheperd, Rui Pinto Gonçalves, Rupert Eden / S / Sabrina de Bree, Sandiamano, Sandra Cristina Felix Pacheco de Matos, Sandy Dhuyvetter, Sanwal Hussain, Sara Yan, Sarah Sheridan, Sarah Spankie, Serry Osmena, Shaoping Guan, Siddharthi Shangavi, Sissi Zhang, Selma Prodanovic, Sgouyun Lu, Shcherbakov Ivan, Shi Hongjian, Shi Zhenyu, Shouyun Lu, Silvia Vieira, Simon James Phillips, Simon S. Q., Sivan Askayo, S. M. Amanullah, Sonia Wong Wong, Sophie Capot-Rey, Sophie Roberts, Stephanie Pander, Su Yi, Sue, Susan Herrick-Luraschi, Svitlana Derevenska, Swordman Zhang Xueyuan / T / Tanveer Akhtar, Tara Mandy, Teresa Heitor, The Seed Saver’s Network, Tim Madeira, Tina, Todd Maurer, Tony Smith / V / Valaeva Mariya, Vasco Luz, Virginie Henaff, Virginie Zehr / W / Wan Wan Tingting, Wang Sirph, Wang Wei Jun, Wanyan Peng, Weiqing Liu, Weng Da Da, William Vos, Wim Wenders, Wu, Wu Hun, Wu Jianzhao (Captain), Wu Wu Juanyu / X / Xiaoxiao Zang, Xiaoyun Jian, Xu Ven Na / Y / Yan Xue, Yang Seng, Yang Yangyang, Yara Kes, Yiming Deng, Yu Ki Wang Yuying, Yun Jia, Yves Dauge, Yvette Durand / Z / Zara Ferreira, Zelda Perkins, Zhao bi Long, Zhao Hui, Zhao Wen Liang, Zebede, Zhmak Marina, Zoya Mohajery

If you find your name on the list above and wish to connect your website, email address or whatsapp number to your name please reach us below as we’ll be sure to add the link.

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