Castelnau des Fieumarcon

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year old village
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The Castelnau

"An extraordinary example of a dream turned into reality. A daunting task superbly executed"

Simon Pott
Chairman of the Judges RICS Awards

Denomination: Castelnau des Fieumarcon
AKA: the 12/13th century fortified village of the Marquis of Fieumarcon
Location: Lagarde Fieumarcon, Gascony, France
Owner & Developer: Frederic Coustols and family
Renovation Period: Phase I from 1978-1988 + Phase 2 from 1989-2001
Awards: 2001 RICS Awards – Regeneration Category; 1992 VMF Award; 1992 ISMH Award

who we are

Castelnau des Fieumarcon, or The Castelnau as branded globally, is a destination event venue unlike any other. The concept of taking over an entire fortified village for a special occasion is truly unique and offers our guests an enormous amount of freedom to create their event entirely their own way. The Castelnau is a place where people can be all together, sharing special moments but also find space and peace to relax and breathe in the countryside all around them. From it’s elevated location, Gascon scenery flows as far as the eye can see from every direction. And every corner of the village offers another place to explore, unwind and appreciate life.

what we are

since 1143 A.C.

It is a fortified stronghold over 800 years old. Functioning as a hotel but offering 16 individual houses for guests, multiple gardens and terraces, a banquet hall and an open air chateau. The village is a monument to Gascon architecture, filled with antiques and art. Once a thriving medieval village and now brought back to life for celebrating special moments in life with the people you love.
The owner will tell you in his own words some of the history of this ancient village and how it came to be still living, breathing and evolving still today.

short history

"The origins of the Fieumarcon Stronghold can be traced back to the 12th and the 13th centuries. There was a Guillaume de Fieumarcon who died in 1231. He had a brother who was knighted by Richard the Lionheart (1157 – 1199). Othon 11 – 1250 – was a faithful vassal of the Kings of England, the legitimate sovereigns of Gascony and there was no Gascon gentleman more loyal to them than he was. Saint Simon and Catenat both praise the Military prowess of the Fieumarcons."

SAS bulletin
the Lectoure Archives, Auch
Ministry of the Armed Forces, private archives


The Estate Stables were built outside the walls of the Stronghold. A document has been found dated 1683 in which the Consuls, Magistrates and residents of the area acknowledge the hamlet of Lagarde and his Lordship the Marquis of Fieumarcon, who was at this time Jean Jacques de Cassagnet de Tilladet of Narbonne and Lomagne. The document contains a list of the residents and some of their professions. A total of 36 families, 240 people out of the 400 inhabitants of the area, lived int the Stronghold, as well as the Marquis of Fieumarcon’s own family. Jeannet de Condom, Consul – Joseph de Condom, Magistrate – Jean Martis, Burger – Blaise Lacapere, Blaise Lafitte, surgeons – Jean Cadeilhan, Jeannet Gaudis, flax weavers – Lamazère, lawyer – François Bonneau, labourer – 1 carpenter – Blaise Bonne, blacksmith – Sieur Pierre Vidart, man at arm – 1 quaryman – 1 tailor – 1 saddler – Jean Castera, shoemaker – Pierre Goudis, brazier.


Emery de Fieumarcon died childless in 1760 His sister’s son was heir to the tile. The castle, according to an inventory that has been found, was in a poor state of repair and almost crumbling. Emery had never been there.


Assets were seized from Henri Thomas Charles de Preissac Selignac and sold by the Revolution. These consisted of « a building, pastures and land lying fallow. The building consisting of 8 rooms at ground level, beautiful arched cellars beneath them and 7 rooms on the first floor. All in an extreme state of ill repair. The rest of the said castle demolished according to the law. The resulting rubble, the adjoining terraces and the trees in the area are also part of this sale. The objects in the Eastern part of the property, the church, barns and stables, the lands suitable for ploughing and the commune of Lagarde to the North. The ditch separating theses areas and the central wall of the Stronghold» “.
Reserve price 2.100 pounds. Sold at auction for 17.000 pounds to citizen Pierre Baquet of Lectoure. During the 19th century and up until 1960, some property owners let buildings deteriorate or destroyed them in order to avoid paying land tax. When the school burnt down, it was set up again outside the walls of the property.
There were no more craftsmen. One house remained partially inhabited in order to retain ” hunting rights “. The houses were sold to gypsies who used them for storage. They camped outside them.
The 800 hectare area of the whole commune of Lagarde had in 1960 only 125 people living while in 1841 it had a population of 477 people.

relevant background

"As a student, in 1968 and over a subsequent period of 18 months, Pierre Frederic Coustols (P.F.C.) then aged 24, researched, wrote and successfully published a book on the subject of rural architecture in Gascony- «Une Terre Lointaine la Gascogne » Ed. Private, 1968."

Born in the region, P.F. C. “s inspiration for the project was his love of vernacular architecture in terms of its simplicity, in the use of materials, room proportions, scaling and space planning and the concern he then had for the countryside and landscape and the thousands of houses in the region, that during this period were becoming dilapidated.
As a result of the research P.F.C. understood that the farm owners of the homes were fearful of the need to implement refurbishment projects – including the installation of « modern-day » services such as electricity, water and sewerage.

Additionally P.F.C. learned about a State program, administered by the Ministry of Agriculture, named, SAFER which then required owners wishing to sell their land-holding and buildings to do so, to the State. The objective of this program, started during the time of the State’s implementation of a growth policy in industrial agriculture was to be enabled the consolidation of small and supposedly inefficient farmers landholdings into 30 hectares + parcels, in order to optimize agricultural productivity.
The SAFER program resulted in further numbers of traditional farm owners’ houses falling into dilapidation.
Coustols subsequently approached the Ministry with the idea to set up an investment fund to maintain traditional farm buildings in order to keep the original landscape of the countryside. This approach was not successful. Twenty years later such a scheme was in fact implemented by the French State.
During the 19th-century buildings deteriorated or destroyed them in order to avoid paying land tax. When the school burnt down, it was set up again outside the walls of the property.
There were no more craftsmen. One house remained partially inhabited in order to retain «hunting rights ».
Three houses were sold to gypsies who used them for storage. They camped outside them.
The 800 hectares area of the commune of Lagarde had in 1960 only 125 people living while in 1841 it had a population of 477 people.
Excavations carried out while the Stronghold was being restored confirm that it included a fortified area with ditches on 3 sides, 2 entrance points, a castle inside, the walls, thirty-six houses on the inner side of the ramparts, a chapel and the Estate Stables in the flat area outside the walls.
In 1978, all that remained was the ruined 17th-century stables, the walls around the Stronghold, 17 ruined houses inside them and the chapel, all covered in ivy.

full description

"he (Frederic Coustols) unearthed the ruins of what was originally a medieval fortified village, with an original the population in the 13th century of approximately 240 inhabitants"

Beginning of The Project

In 1978, Frederic born in the region with a known passionate interest in conservation, was approached by the local baker, to purchase three dilapidated houses within the original village (Stronghold) of Lagarde Fimarcon (comprising 800 hectares). Further to researching the history of the village, Frederic decided to purchase the whole village, with the exception of the church, state property. Subsequently, he « unearthed » the ruins of what was originally a medieval fortified village, with an original the population in the 13th century, of approximately 240 inhabitants.
The Stronghold was not habitable at his time (1978) and the population of the whole of the « commune »was approximately 120 persons.
Frederic’s objectives, through the purchase of the village and his desire to regenerate it was, to prove to the community and the relevant authorities that:

1. It was economically viable if not more so, to regenerate existing buildings to rent at a «fair market» value, than to build new «housing estates».

2. The indigenous population would return naturally to live in such an environment, preferring this to the modern State housing being developed at the time. This was deemed by Frederic to be 4/8.
Sociologically desirable and would result in an improved «quality of life» for the re-establishing population.

3. It was possible to preserve the traditional landscape of the surroundings.

4. Using the human resources and sentiment of the traditional members of the community, it was possible through training and re-education, to re-establish and utilize historical craftsmanship and skills in the regeneration process of the village.

First Phase of The Regeneration Program (1978-1988)

The regeneration program of the village was implemented, with the support of limited grants and incentives, on a phased basis by the French State, totalling some 1.5 million FF for the 17 houses of the Stronghold. The agreement also placed a condition that tenants be offered a ID-years lease at a fixed rent, controlled by the French State.
In 1984, the church and the monumental stables ware classified (l.S.M.H.) as a Historic Monument and the countryside visible from the « Castelnau » also protected.
In 1988, all of the seventeen houses, inside the castle walls were completed as well as three outside. Sixteen families representing thirty-six people, came to live inside the walls of the « Castelnau », relocating from, the surrounding urban areas.The gradual restoration of the Stronghold had acted as a catalyst and by 1988 had resulted in the population of the «commune » beginning to return and growing to 165 inhabitants.

The Research, Programming & Development of A «Showcase» For Sustainable Development In The Region: The Second Phase of The Program (1989 – 2001)

As a result of the success of the first phase of the restoration project of the «Castelnau» and in light of the substantial human endeavor involved, Coustols, had by now, become more and more aware of the principles and practices of what is defined today as «sustainable development ».
Frederic’s growing fascination for this «way of life», resulted naturally in the definition of his next objective for the use of Castelnau.
The ensuing years resulted in the implementation of the following programs, experiments and activities within the «Castelnau»,
The purchase of two directly neighbor farms and their de-pollution over a 4-year program (completed in 2000). This should result in sufficient organic food for the stronghold and produce for sale to her surroundings economy.
Adaptation, refurbishment and furnishing with antiques of the houses and the creation of 5 meeting rooms, 45 suites or bedroom with their bathroom.

The restoration (60 meters still incomplete) of the 5 meters high and 1.5 meter width walls of the «Castelnau»,comprising a total of 600 meters and the subsequent installation of appropriate illumination.
The creation and planning of gardens and landscaping, within and outside the walls, using indigenous fauna.
The ongoing use of local crafts men and building materials.
The creation of a library of approximately 4000 books focusing on sustainable development (at the Palacio Belmonte in Lisbon by now). The preparation of a program of culinary courses in regional gastronomy using organic products.
The financing of the development by Phil Hawhes (architect of Biosphere 2) and Andrew Hryniewicz and the San Francisco Institute of Architecture, of the curriculum for a masters degree in Ecological Design, to be set-up at the future « Lagarde School » to be built on the farm by students in Architecture..
The holding of a 4 day Sustainable Development conference, chaired by the renown Professor K.H. Robert President of the foundation The Natural Step.
The holding of ongoing cultural programs in music and literature for masters students, involving the local communities. And so on.
By early 2001, the population of the «commune », had grown to 215 inhabitants and the project of Castelnau des Fieumarcon received the RICS Award 2001 on the 12th of February 2002 in London.

Last Phase of The Renovation Program

The next step and objective of Frederic Coustols is the implementation of phase 3 of the regeneration program, which will incorporate the use of the stables, the farms and the natural resources of the surrounding communes in order to open the Castelnau des Fieumarcon : « The Historical Resort ,which will provide, in the form of a self-contained and secure « retreat » in a wonderful and unique environment, a state of the art meeting place, accommodation and relevant supporting facilities.
The Lagarde Historical Resort, professionally operated, within a naturally designed and managed « sustainable environment », will be designed, for the use of both private and corporate focus groups, outreach programs, forums, brainstorming gatherings, family gatherings, special events or master classes in painting, music, history, architecture, gastronomy, etc.
The Lagarde Historical Resort is composed of 16 houses and gardens . 34 suites or bedrooms able to accommodate.